Thursday, April 19, 2012

White Horse

On April 19th I sang in East Halls for the Open Mic program that was being held. I sang a simple song by Taylor Swift called White Horse. I have been in love with this song for a couple years now so being that recently sang it I decided to write about it for my blog today. The song is a simple song about a girl who has always dreamed of being a princess and living a fairy tale life with the person that she falls in love with. She falls in love with a boy and she thinks that she is going to have everything that she dreamed of. He does something to hurt her and she then realizes that she isn’t a princess and she is not living a fairy tale life. This makes her decide to let him go because she does not want to be hurt anymore. When she does break up with him, he realized what he lost and tries to get her back. Although its everything that she has ever wanted she still does not get back with him because she knows that she can find someone better than him and she does not want to provide him with a fairy tale he does not deserve. She finally lets him go and moves on to a new phase in her life leaving him in her past to find something better. This song is influential because it is very relatable. I have always dreamed out having that fairy tale life and sometimes in relationships those dreams are difficult to let go and finally face reality. Many other girls can most likely relate to this song or have experienced something very similar to it. If not I hope you listen to it and just like the song. 

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